Sunday, October 26, 2008

Movie critique


School of Rock is one of the most well thought out comedies I have ever seen! It was released in 2004 and it was a huge hit!

School of Rock was written by Mike White. Mike White is one of Jack Black’s best friends not just in the movie, but also in real life. (Jack Black is the character who plays in the movie, “Tropic Thunder”) Also, this movie was directed by Richard Linklater, and produced by Scott Rudin. I say all in all, this team of director’s, producer’s, and movie writer’s made one of the most memorable, and famous movie of all time.

The movie Stars are: Jack Black, Mike White, and Sarah Silverman. This was one of Jack Black’s first ever movie, and he became pretty famous because of it. Without this movie, I bet Jack Black wouldn’t be as famous as he is toady. School of Rock is about a man named Dewey Finn and his friend named Ted Schnibley which in the past, they had a rock band together. A few years ago, there band broke up, and Ted went to go look for another job. Well, everybody’s life has moved on now except for Dewey Finn. He still believes that he’s going to become a great rocker one day. So Dewey joined another band and they were doing well. But then when the years went on the other band member’s started to get sick and tired of him. So they voted him out. When he heard about this, he got really angry. But that didn’t stop him, he tried to make another band. Right now, he’s in a really bad stage in his life. He just got kicked out of his band and he also can’t pay the rent to his own apartment. So his friend keeps edging him on to pay his side of the rent, but he can’t. Then one day, when he’s the only one home, the house gets a phone call. He picks it up and it’s a director of one of the most well known and well appreciated school in the state. The director asks if Ted Schnibley is home because he’s a substitute and one of the school’s teachers broke her leg on the way to work, so they need a “sub”. So then Dewey realizes that he can do the job even though he’s not a substitute so he can just come up with the money to pay the rent. He accepts and goes to the school to teach. When he’s there “teaching” he finds out that the students he’s teaching are extremely good at playing musical instruments. So they make their own band. The objective for Dewey is to get revenge on the band that kicked him out, and also to win the Battle of The Bands. (Rock Concert)

· I thought this movie was an excellent movie because it was so amazing how the students could play that good when they were only 10 to 12 years old.
· I also thought that Jack Black was really hilarious in this film, I thought he was at his best!
· I like the creative ideas that they thought of to put in the movie
· I like how it doesn’t copy any other movie ideas
· And also, I like that the movie has a point to it. That is to, “Keep on Rocking!”

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