Sunday, November 23, 2008


The Journey

It was in the summer of Hawaii Honolulu, 1994 and Brad Smith, better known as the “Explorer” was searching and investigating for a very ancient artifact. What was the power to this artifact nobody knew, but the one thing they all knew was that it is very valuable and expensive. Everybody was after it, but no one succeeded. So now, it was his “turn”. This three day adventure was going to be a tough one. It would be the ultimate challenge that he would ever have to face. To get the artifact, you had to climb all the way up a very dangerous volcano. (From the base, up) This volcano was named Mount. Vigous. After all the planning on how to get up the volcano, and all the obsticales to defeat, he wasted no time on getting started.

The first day on getting up to the volcano was a really tough one. He had to overcome a lot of hard obsticales and dangerous animals; some that he didn’t even knew exists! One very dangerous obsticales was that he was following a path, and all of a sudden, the path had a huge gap in it! It was probably 3 foot across! To get pass it, he had to jump. Well, that was the only way to get across it. So what he did is he took a big deep breath, counted 1…2…3… and took the big “leap of faith”. For him, it felt forever getting across but really, it only took a second.

So then, the second day of the journey came and to his surprise-ment, he was still alive! So he was walking and walking up the volcano and for some strange reason, he felt like he was being watched or followed. So after he sensed this, he took that thought into precaution. But what Brad Smith didn’t realize was that he was actually being followed. He was being followed by a British spy named Jamie Oliver and his mission was to follow Brad Smith to the artifact and when reaching the destination, to terminate him. When Brad Smith was walking, he accidentally by mistake encountered Jamie Oliver. (The spy) When this happened, Brad immediately knew what was going on, what was going to happen and knew what to do. He asked the spy, “Are you going to kill me”? The spy didn’t answer. Then, as the fastest his body could move him, he hit the gun out of the spy’s hand and some how, the gun ended up in his hand. After this happened, Brad gad no choice but to finish the spy off. So again, he took a big deep breath and that’s what he did. It was his only choice. The following day a least got better for Brad. The sun was shinning and since he was such in a good mood, he ran all the way up the few miles which was left of the volcano. It now only took him 2 days to reach the peek of the volcano since he ran. Finally, the moment he was waiting for was finally here in reach of his grasp.

The entrance to the volcano was just like any-other normal opening… it was a door. He entered the volcano and in the middle of the volcano, there was a golden statue of a medallion! He walked towards it and he was about to touch it but then he heard and also felt a huge grumble! All of a sudden, the volcano was falling apart! So he snatched the golden medallion and ran as fast as he could. After about a few seconds… the volcano burst! Spreading lava and smoke everywhere hundreds of feet up in the air! After seeing this, he ran and ran down the very long path trying to survive the gulping lava that was chasing after him! He was at the end of a turning point in the path and in the corner of his eye, he spotted a huge lake to jump in! And without hesitating, he jumped in. He was saved! After the lava settled, he walked up to his plane and drove all the way back to his hometown.

Later on in his life, he sold the item which wasn’t hard to do because everyone wanted it and got a huge amount of money! Which then, he gave to charity.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Our ending on the Taste Of Salt Book

After the hospitalization that Djo had to go threw, he finally fully recovered from his ordeal. After about a month, Jeremie finally popped the question! But to Djo’s astonishment, he said, “No”! Because if anything would happen to him, he doesn’t want to hurt another one’s life again. So after this ordeal, Jeremie and Djo were split, they never saw each other again. Djo sometimes even cries at night under the piece of metal he was using for shelter. A year has passed now, and believe it or not, life in Haiti is pretty good. Well, at least it was better than it was before. Djo was enjoying his life but then, the new president left the country because he robbed a bank and stole a lot of money so he’s trying to run from the law. So after this incident happened, the people of Haiti fought and fought until one Haitian became president. But actually, Djo liked the other new president. And after that ordeal, Djo was just “chillin” threw-out his life.